EUL Lecturer Perçinci drew attention to the foods that should be consumed about cancer and nutrition

European University of Lefke (EUL) Health Sciences Faculty, Head of Nutrition and Dietetics Department Asst. Prof. Dr. Nazal Bardak Perçinci gave information on the subject of “Cancer and Nutrition”.
Perçinci said, “Cancer is one of the most important social health problems in our country as well as in the rest of the world in recent years. It is predicted that cancer, which is the second cause of death in the world, will increase rapidly until 2030 and take the first place by 2030, saying that environmental and genetic causes can be counted among the causes of cancer, and that the most important factors among environmental causes are smoking, edible food, obesity, hormones, viruses. emphasized that physical and chemical agents are shown.
Perçinci listed some of the foods that are effective in preventing cancer or preventing the severity and distribution of an existing disease as follows;
* Vegetables, fruits, whole grains and legumes contain pulp (fiber), a type of carbohydrate. Excessive intake of pulp prevents constipation, ensures regular functioning of the intestines and can prevent the formation of colon-rectum cancers.
*The fatty acids found in walnuts, fish and some oilseeds; It reduces body fat, increases immunity and has anticancer, antidiabetes and antiobesity properties and has beneficial effects on human health. They also provide antioxidant properties to human tumor cells (colon, breast and prostate).
*Probiotics bind mutagens in the colon and ensure that they are excreted with stool. Probably probiotics use or metabolize mutagenic and carcinogenic substances. Probiotics also prevent the development of cancer by strengthening the immune system.
*The possible anticancer effect of active vitamin D has been evaluated in animal and cell studies for nearly 30 years. The incidence of colon, prostate and breast cancer has been shown to be lower in regions with abundant ultraviolet rays.
*As well as the type and amount of consumed foods, cooking methods are also important. During cooking, there are harmful changes as well as beneficial changes in foods. The main purpose during cooking is to avoid harmful changes as well as to reveal beneficial changes. Many harmful components emerge during the wrong preparation of foods, and some of them are carcinogenic compounds. As a result of environmental pollution, there may be carcinogenic elements in foods such as frying and roasting, during food processing or in the structure of foods, depending on the way of smoking in vegetables, fruits and seafood, and the way of cooking in smoked foods.
At the end of her statement, Perçinci summarized the recommendations that must be included in our diet in the light of all this information as follows;
1. Non-genetically modified soybeans or legumes
2. Red fruits such as grapes
3. Natural green tea
4. Vegetables such as cauliflower, broccoli, etc., which are called goitrogenic foods
5. Grilled salmon, sea bass and sea fish
6. Onions and garlic