EUL Law students organised a virtual court event

A Virtual Court presentation was organised by the students of the European University of Lefke (EUL) Faculty of Law.
The topic of the trial, which was carried out by the 3rd year students of the Faculty of Law with the valuable contributions of Prof. Dr. Nuri Erişgin, Dean of the Faculty of Law and under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Cumhur Rüzgaresen, was a malpractice case.
Rüzgaresen, who provided information about the virtual trial, stated that the virtual trial prepared by the students of the Faculty of Law after an intensive study did not look like a real court and that there is a fully equipped courtroom within the faculty in order to enable students to learn the practice.
In the first hearing of the investigation phase, which took place in two hearings, Rüzgaresen stated that the plaintiff and defendant and the lawyers of the parties were heard and defences were made, and in the second hearing; the witnesses of both parties were heard. Rüzgaresen also stated that the video recordings submitted as evidence were examined by the court and the final decision of the court was announced by taking into consideration the expert report.