EUL Law students are getting prepared for profession with virtual trials

Virtual trial at EUL was lifelike
Third year students of European University of Lefke Faculty of Law, conducted a virtual trial themed “High-conflict Divorce” within the scope of Law of Civil Procedure course under the supervision of Academician Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cumhur Rüzgaresen.
Dean of Law Faculty Prof. Dr. Nuri Erişgin expressed his sincere thanks to the Rector of the University Prof. Dr. Mehmet Ali Yükselen for his contributions before starting to his speech. Prof. Dr. Nuri Erişgin said that students are ready for the legal profession because they attach importance to practice as much as theoretical education in the Faculty of Law and prepare their students in the best way after graduation.
Giving information about the virtual trial, Rüzgaresen stated that the trial which was prepared with the intensive efforts of students was lifelike and added that there is a fully equipped courtroom within the faculty that is designed to help students learn to practice. Rüzgaresen pointed out that the student of Law Faculty worked in teams to prepare the trial divorce case which they adapted from a real case.
Rüzgaresen stated that the student who was in the judge role had carefully watched the attitudes of the judges, observed their manner of handling and administration of the session, and met with a judge to get suggestions while getting prepared for the virtual trial. Stressing that the students who were on lawyer role had met with experienced lawyers about the related case, Rüzgaresen stated that by doing so, students who attended the case performed the virtually trial in a realistic way.
Students who expressed their feelings after the trial expressed that they were pleased with the virtual trial practice, and that by doing so they create an awareness in the legal education and added that they are very excited for their turn of virtual trial.