EUL is ranked in the top 100 in the world in the field of Environmental Sciences

The results of the “SCImago Institutions Rankings (SIR)”, where world universities are ranked according to their research, innovation, and social impact, have been announced.
The European University of Lefke (EUL) became the only university in the island (Cyprus) among all universities to enter the top 100 in the world universities in the success rankings in research areas.
EUL has achieved the success of entering the top 100 worldwide in the field of “Environmental Sciences” in the success ranking made by SCImago Institutions Rankings using the Scopus index. In this category, EUL ranked first among all universities on the island, 14th among European Union member countries, and 93rd worldwide.
In addition, in the field of “Energy,”, the European University of Lefke ranked first on the island and 57th among the European Union member countries in the SCImago Institutions Rankings. Worldwide, EUL ranked 343rd in the specified field.
In the statement made by the European University of Lefke, it was stated that SCImago Institutions Rankings is a ranking method that combines three different sets of indicators based on research performance, innovation outputs, and social impact, and these indicators are measured by the visibility of the institution on the web using the Scopus database. In the statement stating that the success achieved in global rankings is remarkable, it was expressed that EUL has added a new one to its successful studies in the international arena, and all the employees who contributed were thanked.