EUL is Protecting Local Assets

A Poem Book covering all works of Fikret Demirağ is published by EUL
A Poem Book covering all works of Turkish Cypriot Poet and Author Fikret Demirağ is published by European University of Lefke Publishing.
The works of Demirağ, which were prepared by poet-author Tamer Öncül and published by EUL Publications under the name of Fikret Demirağ-Collected Poems I-VII, came to light in the form of a corpus.
EUL is protecting local assets with the project which is conducted with the aim of collecting and republishing poems of Fikret Demirağ who is an, artist, poet and teacher and who is among the assets of Lefke and the Turkish Cypriot community.
With the poet books published under the title “All Works”, in 7 volumes, researchers, young generations and students are presented with the opportunity to read the demographics of Demirağ’s all kind of assets and accumulation that he gained from Lefke and Lefke Region.
In the book which contributes to the cultural development of Lefke and Cyprus, Fikret Demirag focuses on the cultural history of the region and the social values of the Cypriot people with his own lyrical style.