EUL is becoming a brand in the field of Gastronomy

EUL received “3 Gold”, “1 Silver” and “3 Bronze” Medals
Students of European University of Lefke (EUL) School of Tourism & Hotel Management Department of Gastronomy participated in the “16th International Istanbul Gastronomy Festival” which took place at Istanbul and achieved great success. EUL students Ufuk Sarıcık, Süleyman Karaytuğ, Yağız Karayel and Cannur Taşdemir were deemed worthy of many prizes. In the festival which was carried on with an intense participation from many countries, EUL Gastronomy students competed in the fields of “fish”, “meat”, “pasta” and “desert”.
Students prepared “meat, fish, pasta and desert” plates
The students who prepared plates in the competition won medals. Ufuk Sarıcık won a golden medal in the field of “meat”, Yağız Karayel won a golden medal in the field of “fish”, and Süleyman Karağtuğ won a golden medal in the field of “pasta”. Cannur Taşdemir won a golden medal in the field of “desert”. Ufuk Sarıcı, Yağız Karayel and Cannur Taşdemir who were competing in the category of best university took the third place and deemed worthy of bronze medals.
EUL crowned its success in the field of Gastronomy
The students who prepared to the contests under the supervision of Academician of Gastronomy Department Zihni Türksel expressed their gratitude about the results of the contest and pointed out that this success was the result of hard working.
Türksel expressed his gratitude to Academician Sercan Biryılmaz for his contributions to the demo works held at the university and thanked the Rector of EUL Prof. Dr. Mehmet Ali Yükselen and Head of School of Tourism & Hotel Management Assist. Prof. Dr. Mehmedali Egemen for their contributions.
Expressing that their goal is to participate in the International Food Competitions that will be held in the coming months, Türksel stated that they want to continue to represent their universities in the best possible way.