EUL hosted famous actors Sarp Levendoğlu and İnan Ulaş Torun
An interview was organized with the actor and director Sarp Levendoğlu and actor İnan Ulas Torun within the scope of “May Interviews in EUL” organized by European University of Lefke (EUL).
Sarp Levendoğlu, the leading actor of the order of Gece Gündüz, Küçük Ağa, Ne Münasebet, Ölene Kadar and the director of Emret Komutanım and Night Gündüz TV series, has attended to the commune held in the EUL Law School Grand Amphitheater Hall and shared his experiences with EUL students.
Within the scope of the commune, İnan Ulas Torun, who acted in TV series; Ne Münasebet, Bir Yusuf Masalı, 6 Mantı, Bir Çocuk Sevdim, Leyla ile Mecnun and who won the admiration with “Damat Tarık” character in the films, especially Düğün Dernek, Düğün Dernek 2: Sünnet films, came together with the students.
Levendoğlu: Not everyone has to be a good actor, but a good person
Leventoğlu stated that he started to work as a director assistant at the age of 15 and that he has been involved in many projects for 15 years and that he is happily involved in such projects as Mor Menekşeler, Gece Gündüz, Küçük Ağa, Ne Münasebet and Deli Ormanlı. Levendoğdu stated that “Everybody does not have to be a good player but he has to be a good person”, Levendoğlu said he enjoyed acting, that he liked the player very much, but he did not like the things the player brought and that it was hard to act in normal life when he lost a close friend.
Levendoğlu emphasized that the actor played the scenario that was appropriate to him and that the actor was developed with time and experience and stated that the long working hours in the sets extended the duration of the series and the long working hours reduced the quality of the product.
Torun: Acting is individual specific
Torun said that he wanted to monitor every aspect of the projects he was involved with, and wanted to play every role as an actor. Torun said that the actor is special to the individual, that each player reflects the same character differently, and that sometimes a character played is understood the value after years. Torun said he was always willing to be an actor and that his family always supported him in the process.
At the end of the event, Levendoğlu and Torun, who answered the questions of the students, the Advisor to Rector Assist. Prof. Dr. Mehmetali Egemen and Students’ Dean Özgür Yılmabaşar presented a souvenir plaque reflecting the cult of Cyprus.