EUL Faculty of Law Academician Albaş discussed women’s rights

European University of Lefke (EUL) Faculty of Law Faculty Member Asst. Prof. Dr. Saniye Albaş gave information on women’s rights.
“As human rights defenders, we think that the concept of human rights is more correct than a distinction such as women’s and men’s rights. On the basis of human rights we have mentioned; It defends the right to an egalitarian, libertarian and dignified life. Human rights arise from the humanity of human beings and continue throughout life; Albaş stated that everyone is considered to be equal before the law regardless of race, color, religion, language, age, nationality, gender or social origin, difference of opinion, property etc.
Albaş said, “The constitution, which is regulated in domestic law and is at the top of the hierarchical order, and the fundamental rights protected in international conventions under this constitution have been issued with a focus on human protection. However, at this very point, we see that the domestic law legislation is not properly implemented in some cases and rights are violated. Because of these fundamental rights, there are many examples of violation of women’s rights. ”He stated that in cases such as domestic violence or honor killing, the victims are always women and women going out late at night and being criticized for their dressing style are examples of examples that can be given. “Forced marriage of young girls is one of the rare cases encountered. In fact, as can be understood from the examples we have given at this point; Albaş, continuing his speech by saying that it indicates that the concept of “women’s rights” should be emphasized rather than using the concept of human rights, stated that;
- Women’s rights regarding marriage; such as the right to marry anyone, the right to equal inheritance, the right not to be subjected to violence, the right to own property, the right to official marriage.
- • Women’s rights regarding divorce; the right to live separately by keeping a house, the right to apply to the court for divorce, the right to custody of their children, the right to receive alimony, the right to take their own property.
- On the bodily rights of women; he has the right to live his own sexuality. It also has the right to use or not to use birth control.
- If we look at what we should understand about the right to a healthy life; it is the right of a woman to have her body alone.
Women’s rights in public life; The right to work at any job without permission from her husband, the right to equal pay, the right to equal education, the right to vote for any party, the right to join a political party, the right to be insured even if she works as a housewife or family worker in agriculture, the right to participate in religious life like.
Lastly, Albaş said “Woman; It is a mother, a wife, a friend, a brother, a manager, an academic, a lawyer, a doctor, and above all, breath. “Our women are one of the only elements that make the world beautiful”.