EUL Educates Competent Academicians in the Field of Special Education

Prof. Dr. Ayşegül Ataman- The Head of European University of Lefke (EUL) Dr. Fazıl Küçük Education Faculty Special Education Teaching Department, stated that the department which has only been established four years ago and graduate its first alumni in the 2016-17 Academic years, has been aiming to educate teacher candidates who will be leaders in mainstreaming-integration education.
Ataman: Master’s and Ph.D. programs provide training with doyen lecturers in their fields
Ataman stated that the PhD program of Special Education and Special Talent Education Higher Education Schools and Special Education Teachers, where the academic staff and faculty members who are specialists in their fields of professions are working, is in the top rank in terms of academic quality not only in Northern Cyprus but also in the departments of Republic of Turkey.
Ataman stated that, in order to create the possibility of teaching those differently developing children with special needs and to provide the opportunity to the undergraduate students to apply their teaching skills and conduct unique researches, they are about to undertake a significant responsibility in cooperation with Children with Special Needs Practice Research and Education Center (ÖÇEM), which is then first and only amongst the universities in the island, that has been supporting the development, since the day of its establishment, of tens of those children who are been developed differently and who are gifted, through leading and counselling services.
In addition to this, Ataman stated that seminars, in-service training and conferences are organized for teachers, families and academicians starting from the Lefke region and participated from almost every region of the island. Ataman said, “The Special Education Teaching Department, which is one of the most important departments of the EUL which is developing rapidly and has a direct interaction with the public, is accepting students with higher scores every year and its quality is approved by everybody.”