EUL Basic Education Department Head Asst. Prof. Dr. Çağda Kıvanç Çağanağa made a statement on World Children’s Day

“The progress of societies can only be possible by raising new generations well”
European University of Lefke (EUL) Dr. Fazıl Küçük Education Faculty, Head of Basic Education Department Asst. Prof. Dr. Çağda Kıvanç Çağanağa gave information on the occasion of the “World Children’s Day”.
Çağanağa stated that World Children’s Day was brought to the agenda at the World Conference held in 1925, and that it was decided to celebrate the first Monday of October as World Children’s Day. Çağanağa stated that the idea of International Children’s Day was born after the World Conference for the Welfare of Children held in Geneva in 1925 and that the Geneva Declaration on the Protection of Children was accepted at the conference, which was held with the participation of 54 countries. She stated that the Sovereignty and Children’s Day is celebrated every year on April 23 for the same purpose.
Çağanağa: Emphasis is placed on the good upbringing and protection of children on World Children’s Day
Çağanağa stated that she aimed to create common feelings among children and to reinforce the aspirations of nations to live in peace under the name of World Children’s Day and continued her words as follows; Many children around the world are living in the midst of war or on the verge of starvation. The Convention on the Rights of the Child, which was prepared to eliminate these conditions and provide them with a better life, has been accepted by 191 countries. Good upbringing of children is of vital importance for the future of nations. Nations that care for children have adopted the first Monday of October as “World Children’s Day”. This day focuses on the good upbringing and protection of children.
Emphasizing that improving living conditions and providing equal opportunities to every child are also important for the future of the society, Çağanağa said, “As our great leader Mustafa Kemal Atatürk stated, we entrust our future to them; “Children are the assurance of our future, they are our joy of life. It is our human duty to raise today’s children as tomorrow’s adults,” she said.
In her statement made within the framework of the World Children’s Day, Çağanağa pointed out that it should be the common goal of all nations for all children in the world to be happy and healthy, and said, “For societies to move forward, it is possible to raise new generations well”.