EUL added a new one to its accreditations

A new success from EUL
European University of Lefke (EUL) continues to achieve success in accreditations by international independent organizations that certifies the quality of education.
Special Education Teaching Department is accredited by EPDAD.
EPDAD, Association for evaluation and accreditation of training programs that is registered by (YOKAK) Turkish Higher Education Quality Council considered the European University of Lefke’s application and decided to accredit the relevant program.
EPDAD evaluated Special Education Teaching Department under 7 headings
Head ofEuropean University of Lefke (EUL) Dr. FazılKüçük Education Faculty Special Education Teaching Department Prof. Dr. Ayşegül Ataman informed about accreditation process. Ataman stated that EUL Special Education Teaching Department self-evaluation report was evaluated byEPDAD executives under 7 headings and listed them as;
1. Planning, application and assessment of education
2. Instructors
3. Students
4. Faculty-University collaboration
5. Facilities, Library and Equipment
6. Management
7. Quality assurance
Ataman stated that “as a result of the report prepared under these seven headings, the committee visited our facult in February and analyzed the documents prepared, observed our field and career information lessons, monitored internship schools of our candidate teacher students and made research in our university campus to observe the infrastructure and equipment provided to our students, visited Education, Practice and Research Centre for Children with Special Needs (ÖÇEM) and observed education and training servies carried out by candidate teachers in early intervention and early education. Ataman mentioned that Dr. FazılKüçük Education Faculty, Special Education Teaching department was awarded by international accreditation certificate for a period of 3 years as a result of a successful accreditation inspection.”
Atamanalso stated “ we would like to congratulate everyone notably our rector Prof. Dr. Mehmet Ali Yükselen, faculty dean Prof. Dr. OğuzKarakartal and all Special Education Teaching Department instructors and assistants who contributed us during this process upon this success.”
EULDr. FazılKüçükEğitimFaculty DeanProf.Dr. OğuzKarakartalstated that “European University of Lefke has a rich academic staff. Dr. FazılKüçükEducation Faculty’s special and vital department Special Education Teaching Department’s accreditation by EPDAD is a quality indicator of our University and Education Faculty.