EUL Academicians discussed the pandemic process experienced as a psychosocial crisis

European University of Lefke (EUL), Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Psychology held a panel on “Coping with Psychosocial Crises” online via Microsoft Teams.
The panel started with the speech of Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences Prof. Dr. Saadettin Yıldız about the difficulties of the global epidemic process, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zihniye Okray gave a speech about ‘Obsessive Compulsive Disorder’, Faculty Members Asst. Prof. Dr. Cemaliye Direktör about “Anxiety, Assoc.Prof. Dr. Sultan Şehitoğlu explained “Post-Earthquake Anxiety and Coping Strategies”, Instructors Beliz Köroğlu “Depression” and Dilem Öke “Stacking Behavior” through “Psychosocial Crises”.
In the panel evaluation made by the Department of Psychology, it was stated that the pandemic process experienced as a psychosocial crisis brought along uncertainty and, together with uncertainties such as not knowing the effects of the virus, and not fully understanding its symptoms, it also raised questions about how to protect individuals. The department informed that the uncertainty arising from the unknown effects of the coronavirus is increasing, as well as the concerns about health problems, and the mental health disorders experienced accordingly were also discussed in the panel.
Mental health disorders experienced in Psychosocial Crises and coping strategies were discussed in the panel. In the online conference held with the participation of a large number of students, an efficient and useful event was organized for the students in terms of the feedback received from the students and the transfer of the subject.