EUL Academicians discussed an example of Urban Transformation: Nicosia Zahra Street in their work

Head of Interior Architecture Department, Asst. Prof. Dr. M. Selen Abbasoğlu Ermiyagil and Head of Architecture Department Asst. Prof. Dr. Cemaliye Sunalp Gürçınar presented their joint work on “An Urban Transformation Example: Nicosia Zahra Street, TRNC” at the 2nd International Black Sea Modern Scientific Research Congress.
“2nd International Black Sea Modern Scientific Research Congress” which was held in Rize; Papers from all fields of Social and Human Sciences, Engineering, Natural Sciences, Medicine and Health Sciences, Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences were accepted. Within the scope of the conference, multidisciplinary studies related to these fields were shared and discussed on the international platform with the participation of researchers and academics from 15 countries from different disciplines. In the conference, important issues related to art and design were discussed under various sub-titles.
“It is very important to protect traditional houses, gain new functions and transfer them to future generations”
Ermiyagil shared the following information about the joint work with Gürçınar on “An Urban Transformation Example: Nicosia Zahra Street, TRNC”; “Today, user needs are changing depending on economic, socio-cultural, technological and epidemics. Depending on the changes in needs, changes are experienced in historical urban spaces and structures. Historical buildings reflect the traditional urban character of cities and the architectural style of the period in which they were built. Among the historical buildings, traditional houses are one of the most important buildings that reflect urban changes and transformations. For the sustainability of traditional houses, the transformation method is widely preferred today. It is also very important in terms of preserving traditional houses, giving them new functions and transferring them to future generations”.
Finally, in the statement of Ermiyagil, “Zahra Street is a street located in the Arabahmet district, located on the north side of the city of Nicosia, which is surrounded by walls, the only divided capital of the world. In this research, Zahra Street in Nicosia was chosen as the study area because it reflects the architectural features of the 19th century housing concept and is re-functionalized. The transformation of the street has been investigated, and the formal, functional, spatial and social changes have been evaluated. As a result of the evaluations, suggestions have been developed for the sustainability and more efficient use of the implemented functional transformations.