EUL Academician Yurdukoru conveyed information on the importance of “Dental Health in Children”

Primary Teeth pulled out untimely cause Problems in Speech and Nutrition of the Children
Dean of European University of Lefke (EUL) Faculty of Dentistry Prof. Dr. Bengül Yurdukoru made some statements on “Dental Health in School-age Children” and conveyed detailed information.
Pointing out that with the start of education, dental health of school age children has gained importance, Yurdukoru stated in this period that school-age children get used to different tastes and that they gain snacking habits among the main meals. Underlining that eating sweet, sticky foods and not brushing teeth after consuming these foods will cause tooth decay, Yurdukoru said that “Dental health care is even more important as ‘mixed dentition’ is also available in this period. Primary teeth change and replacement to permanent teeth continues until the age of 10-12”. Yurdukoru expressed that it is very important to keep the primary teeth in the mouth as healthy as long as the permanent teeth come out, and that the primary teeth pulled out untimely cause speech problems and nutrition problems in the children as well as aesthetic problems in the teeth.
Children should be encouraged to brush their teeth after eating sticky food and sweet food such as chocolate
Yurdukoru advised that school-age children should be restricted from buying sticky foods and sweet foods such as chocolate, acidic beverages and foods and said that “And as another option they should be encouraged to brush their teeth after eating sticky foods and sweet foods such as chocolate”. She further emphasized the importance of effective brushing to remove dental plaque and sticky foods in children as well as adults and said that “Efficacy is influenced by a number of factors, including age, brushing behavior, gender, adherence and supervision of the instructions, brushing frequency, brushing time and auxiliary cleaning agents used”.
Parents and teachers must offer brushing training to the children
Yurdukoru emphasized that it should be ensured that children take foods such as eggs, cheese, milk, and fresh fruits instead of harmful foods that are attractive in the snacks, and added that it is important to encourage the sale of these foods that do not increase the formation of decays in school canteens, to provide illuminating introductions in classrooms and to give brushing education.
Encouraging the sale of these foods that do not increase the formation of caries in school canteens, and informing the parents of the teachers. It is important that they give education to children. She also said that “Motivation is as important as brushing activity, as well as individual differences in children’s hand skills” and added that parents, and teachers can transfer this habit by brushing their teeth alongside them.