EUL Academician Tektaş discussed “The Effect of Taking up a Hobby on Mental Health”

European University of Lefke (EUL) School of Health Faculty Member Assist. Prof. Dr. Pınar Tektaş, discussed the subject of “The Effect of Taking up a hobby on Mental Health”.
“It is important for a person to rest his/her soul in order to have a healthy and quality life. For this reason, the individual should spare time on themselves and spend the time with the hobbies that interest and enjoy them during the day. A hobby is defined as an activity that interests an individual that they do in their spare time to relax and have fun. Tektaş stated that hobbies may differ according to different age groups but the common purpose of all of them is that they are enjoyable and they do not have any sanctions, and also, hobbies add meaning to life, but it is considered as an important effort for an individual not to isolate themselves from life and to feel important and valuable.
Tektaş continued her statement as follows; “people who were interested in a hobby were mostly young people and retirees. In adulthood, raising children and trying to balance work-life is prioritizing. This is a period when it is thought that there is no time to take up a hobby. Nevertheless, when time is well managed, there will be time for hobbies as well. This will ensure that there is a balance in life and will make an individual more productive in both business and their private life. Reading is one of the most important of these hobbies. The main purpose here is to make an individual feel good. At this point, we can talk about the advantages of hobbies.”
“Taking up a hobby positively affects physical health”
Tektaş said, “hobbies reveal the creativity and desire to be productive and contribute to personal development of an individual. Individuals with hobbies get away from daily worries and relax mentally and physically. This enables the individual to lead a meaningful and self-confident life”. Overall, Tektaş declared that studies show that taking up a hobby has positive effects on coping with stress, increases success in business life, strengthens social relations, and improves critical thinking skills. She also highlighted that hobbies enable the development of cognitive skills, such as, decision-making, planning and problem-solving.
In her statement she mentioned that, “taking up a hobby also positively affects physical health. Individuals who devote time to their hobbies have lower blood pressure, cortisol levels and body mass indexes. Hobbies such as sports, music, painting, theater, chess, knitting, jewelery design, wood painting, fishing, reading books, diving, volunteering in social projects, make it easier for an individual to express their feelings and allow them to get to know themselves better. An individual who acknowledges themselves will know how to face negative events. Thus, they will be able to control their emotions and behaviors. This brings success and satisfaction to social life.” Tektaş mentioned that it is important to guide individuals to take up a hobby from childhood by considering the effects of a hobby on physical and mental health.
“Parents have important responsibilities for their children to take up appropriate hobbies”
Tektaş continued his statement as follows, “having a hobby for children and adolescents will keep them away from activities such as, playing games on the computer and spending a long time on the internet. This will allow children and young people to use their energies in healthier ways. Parents have important responsibilities when taking up appropriate hobbies. It is important to understand their interests by observing their children and to be able to guide them appropriately at this point and to be a role model in this regard. Introducing children to hobbies which are suitable for their development will enable them to discover their own talents and realize their own skills. Thus, the child will develop physically, mentally and emotionally. Through hobbies, children become more self-sufficient, successful in social relationships, will know how to share and they will be ready to explore and learn. Their senses, imagination and creativity will increase if taking up a hobby, not only will they be more self-confident and happy individuals, but depending on the hobby they take up, this will make them a good individual in their society.
“Spending quality time and producing something is the best you can do for yourself”
Finally, Tektaş said, “no period of life is too late to take up a hobby. An individual can find the most suitable hobby for themselves by questioning what they like and need. Hobbies give you the opportunity to be yourself. Thus, by maintaining the balance in your life, you can lead a happier and higher quality of life. When you take up a hobby, you will be able to learn, spend quality time and be creative in your spare time; this will be the best you can do for yourself.”