EUL academician Serin gave advice to students about efficient study methods

Make your work planned and scheduled
European University of Lefke (EUL) Dr. Fazıl Küçük Education Faculty Classroom Teaching Lecturer Prof. Dr. Oğuz Serin gave information on “Regular Studying, Motivation”.
“Crisis situations can manifest themselves in many ways in all areas of our lives. The pandemic period we are in is one of these crises. Saying that our country was affected by the pandemic process like all countries in the world, distance education was started, ”Serin made some suggestions for the work carried out from home to be efficient during the pandemic period.
Stating that it is important to work planned and scheduled in quarantine days, Serin said, “Because success; “What is meaningful for the individual is the realization of the goals step by step with the programs made.”
Serin gave advice to students about online lessons held during the pandemic period:
Be sure to attend online classes. Listen effectively to your teacher in the lesson. As you listen to the lesson, pay attention to the basic ideas and key concepts. Be sure to ask questions or ask for additional explanations about topics you do not understand. Asking questions when necessary, expressing opinions about the subject being told, and answering questions will activate your learning. The first requirement for effective listening to online lessons is to have a positive attitude towards listening. Acknowledging that listening is an effective learning tool, and thinking that every subject described can be interesting and important will help create a positive attitude. Make sure you prepare before taking the online class. The preparation you will make for the lesson will ensure your participation in the lesson. This will make it easier for you to understand the lesson. Before taking the online class, review the previous lecture’s grades as well. Topics covered in the last lesson may be related to the topics covered in this lesson. It is important to review the grades before the lesson in order to establish these connections and to motivate the lesson to be taught. Here are some tips for you to continue your academic development and to prevent lecture topics from accumulating and becoming more challenging for you. By using the relevant tips, endeavor to benefit as much as possible from distance education during this extraordinarily demanding process. Try to create a work arrangement as if going from home to the classroom or library. Plan your day. Set a time to wake up, have breakfast, and get dressed. Adjust your schedule so that you can focus on a few specific things at a time. Creating a physical boundary between your workspace and rest area can help you focus while studying from home. You can get support from your family members to organize the working environment at home. Take care to follow the lectures during live class hours with regular active participation. In this way, you will also have the opportunity to ask and clarify the places you do not understand during the live lesson, get instant feedback and follow the classroom discussions on the subject.
Taking notes during live classes can help direct your attention to classroom content
Pointing out how to get attention to the live lesson in Serin continued his words, “It is important to put your phone aside, turn off notifications from messages and social media and irrelevant web pages to minimize distraction during live class hours. Taking notes during live classes can help direct your attention to classroom content. You can divide the lessons you need to work or the assignments / projects you have to finish into smaller tasks that you can complete every day. Breaking down a large task into smaller pieces can make things easier to cope with and help you be more motivated to finish them.
“Öğrencilik yaşamının önemli bir parçası dersler ve ders çalışma gerekliliğidir “Lessons and the necessity of studying is an important part of student life. The fact that the lesson times in the current education process are considerably shorter than those in formal education will provide you with an additional opportunity to repeat the relevant subject sufficiently after the lesson. By making the necessary repetitions and also following additional resources, being able to devote close time to your lessons, similar to school time will also improve your time management. Setting time for socializing during the day can increase your focus on work. Spend time with family members, relax, over the phone or during the time you notice you are less productive during the day. The most basic responsibility expected from you at this stage of our life is usually to pass our lessons successfully. This can only happen with a regular working habit. Saying that sitting at a desk and studying, spending hours at the beginning of books may not always lead you to the desired result, Serin said that working efficiently is an important skill that helps to increase success, and also pointed out that the most important strategy of exam success depends on conscious stealing method.