EUL Academician Pirgalıoğlu drew attention to the Effective Use of Water

European University of Lefke (EUL) Faculty of Engineering Asst. Prof. Dr. Saltuk Pirgalıoğlu made statements about “Effective Use of Water”.
Pirgalıoğlu said, “Although 71% of the world’s surface is covered with water, most of the water is salt water and is not suitable for direct use,” says Pirgalıoğlu, while starting the articles or seminars on water resources. Only 0.024% of the amount of water on Earth is readily available in underground and surface water resources. Water is a unique substance with its chemical and physical properties, and as we all know, it is indispensable for the continuation of life. The fact that 60% of our cells are filled with water again shows how important water is for us.”
“Using water resources above the rate at which they can be renewed by nature consumes water resources”
Pirgalıoğlu continued his statement, “It can be said that the worldwide water problem has health, economy, security and environmental dimensions. If we explain these titles by giving examples; Lack of access to clean and reliable water causes serious health problems and many people die from water-borne diseases. The existence of water resources is important for the country’s economy as it affects agricultural activities significantly. Access to water resources causes tensions between states. The use of water resources above the rate at which they can be renewed by nature consumes water resources and causes environmental damage.
“Currently, water in our country is mostly supplied by the water supplied from the Republic of Turkey. The water reaching our country is again safely purified in the water treatment plant built within the scope of this project, and then distributed,” Pirgalıoğlu said in his statement, adding that although this source is a relief for us to a large extent, the recovery of our underground water resources that have been salted due to rapid consumption and drought due to sea interference, Investigation of obtaining water by alternative methods and taking measures to reduce water consumption are important issues for water safety in our country.
Pirgalıoğlu listed the measures to be taken for effective use of water and reduction of losses as follows;
* Detection and prevention of water leaks,
* Using plants that can survive in arid conditions while arranging the garden,
* Using methods with less water loss such as drip irrigation method,
* Selecting the hours when the sun is not effective in the early morning or evening for irrigation,
* With smart irrigation systems, measuring the moisture of the soil and starting irrigation when needed,
* Preferring products such as water-saving shower heads, sinks, toilets,
* Collecting and reusing gray water by houses, offices and apartments,
* Taking short-term showers, operating washing machines and dishwashers only when they are full, or operating them at the appropriate setting when not fully loaded,
While washing our hands, brushing our teeth, shaving, etc. taking care to turn off the water during activities.
Finally, Pirgalıoğlu said, “The measures listed here are listed as general measures that can be applied by everyone in the world. Of course, it is not possible for all of these measures to be implemented in every country or by every citizen, but if we choose the ones that are suitable for us and try to implement these measures as much as we can, a significant reduction in water consumption can be observed.