EUL Academician Özdal drew attention to the importance of Health Management in the Covid-19 Pandemic Process

European University of Lefke (EUL) Health Sciences Faculty Health Management Department Head Asst. Prof. Dr. Macide Artaç Özdal made statements on the “Importance of Health Management in the Covid-19 Pandemic Process”.
“Health management is an important phenomenon especially in the management of situations that adversely affect the health of societies”
Özdal stated that “The management of institutions and organizations in the health sector, and the planning of the activities of these institutions and organizations, and the branch of science used to provide solutions to the health problems of societies is health management” He stated that the importance of the management branch has emerged and that it can be seen as a phenomenon that makes health management more important, especially in the management of situations that adversely affect the health of societies.
Özdal continued her statement, “As it is known, in the last days of 2019, the World Health Organization warned about the virus seen in China and causing pneumonia, and later it was announced that this virus was a new type of coronavirus. The virus became an epidemic all over the world in the first months of 2020 and was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization. It is of great importance in terms of protecting the health of societies that the Covid-19 virus, which has been declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization and has become a serious public health problem all over the world, is handled within the framework of health organizations and administrative framework. In this crisis period, it is necessary to take measures in the management of health services. The Covid-19 epidemic, which occurred unexpectedly all over the world, has caused many negative effects on health systems in many countries. The reason for this was that many patients needed health services at the same time and applied to health institutions at the same time. This situation has caused many unexpected needs in healthcare practices, healthcare financing, equipment procurement, ethical and operational planning stages around the world. In order to effectively manage the pandemic process, it is necessary to follow important steps such as planning, effective communication, modeling that will predict the increase in the number of patients, providing surveillance and organizational preparation of health institutions. It will ensure that the steps to be taken in the planning process of health institutions are carried out regularly, that the number of patients is estimated, that the hospital managements will create an emergency action plan, and that effective communication will ensure that both managers and employees are effectively informed about the necessary issues. Such management functions play a major role in the effective execution of the Covid-19 pandemic management process, which creates a crisis situation.
“In addition to health workers, health administrators have a great role in controlling the epidemic”
Finally, Özdal said, “Health managers in the health sector have a great role in managing the pandemic process and protecting the health of the public. In this sense, to take primary measures in societies, for example, to ensure that large masses are vaccinated equally, to take quarantine and similar measures effectively, to decide quickly about possible problems that may arise, to put the decisions into practice, to evaluate the results of the practices, to normalize Planning and implementing the return processes are among the important duties of health managers. As a result, he concluded that the field of health management is important in the successful management of the pandemic process, and health managers, as well as healthcare professionals working with great devotion, have a great role in controlling the epidemic and protecting the health of communities.