EUL Academician Oğurlu evaluated what the USA Presidential Election made us think

European University of Lefke (EUL) Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Head of International Relations Department Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ebru Oğurlu made evaluations about the presidential election of the United States of America (USA).
“Although the American voters voted for their presidents who will rule their country for the next four years in the 3 November 2020 elections, the world is focused on these elections due to the role of the USA as the world’s largest military and economic power, affecting all international politics and economy. However, contrary to the previous elections, the discussions in these elections are based on the election process and the internal dynamics of the election rather than the policies and preferences of the US president after the election. ” Actually, she stated that this article deals with the prominent features of the last US presidential elections rather than the impact of the US elections on world politics and economy.
Oğurlu, “The debate in the US public opinion about the election and mutual accusations between the candidates started long before the election and the election, which was expected to be a scene of contention, took place in a high tense atmosphere as predicted. In this context, two features that marked the last American elections are the polarization between Republicans and Democrats and the high turnout observed despite the pandemic. The historically high turnout rate, which is 66.4% according to the latest figures, also shows how much the parties claimed the election. The US voters who own their election are closely concerned with the election results and insist that it is important this time to win the election. According to the figures of the PEW Research Center, while only 50% of the US voters said it was important who won the election in 2000, this rate increased to 83% in the 2020 elections.
Oğurlu continued her explanations as follows; “According to the remarkable election system of the USA, voters vote for the delegates of the party they support; The election results are determined by the distribution of votes within the structure called “Electorate College”, which has 538 delegates distributed according to each state with different weights. The candidate who reaches 1 more than half of this number, ie 270 delegates, is entitled to be the President. In other words, the candidate who gets more delegates is the President, not the candidate who gets more votes in total than the US election system.
Oğurlu, As of 6 November 2020, the data obtained from the Board of Delegates show that Democrat candidate Joe Biden reached 264 delegates and Republican candidate Donald Trump has 214 delegates, and in order to clarify the final situation, the “Swing State” which has a direct impact on the election results. Vote numbers are expected from Georgia, North Carolina, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Arizona and Florida, and the Associated Press figures show that candidates are competing head to head in all of these states.
“However, the fact that the US election system enables postal voting causes delays and uncertainties in the announcement of election results. Especially in today’s polarization environment, the lack of institutionalization that will enable the election process to run regularly and rapidly is felt more, as one of the weaknesses faced by the country. She expressed that election administration, which has weaknesses, poses a risk to any democracy.
“On the other hand, another reality revealed by the last elections is the reality of“ divided country, polarized society ”. Under these conditions, both candidates can win with a small margin, as experts agree, but whichever candidate wins, will actually be deemed to have lost with these rates and He said he would have found it in one of the sharpened bends.