EUL Academician Muhtaroğlu: It is important to do sports in hot weather by taking the right precautions

European University of Lefke (EUL) Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Department Faculty Member Asst. Prof. Dr. Musa Muhtaroğlu has given information about the things to be considered while doing sports in hot weather.
“Summer is an energetic and active period when the sun shows its bright face. However, the effect of high temperature and humidity on sports activities can put our health at risk,” Muhtaroğlu noted and continued his statements as follows; Doing sports in hot weather can overstrain the body and can lead to serious health problems such as heat stroke. Therefore, it is important for sports enthusiasts to know and apply the precautions to stay active in the summer months.
- The Importance of Water and Plenty of Fluid Consumption: Water loss increases during sports and sweating increases in hot weather. Therefore, it is very important to keep the body constantly hydrated. Do not neglect to drink plenty of water before starting sports activities and continue to consume water at regular intervals while doing sports. At the same time, take care to drink water after sports to compensate for fluid loss.
- Sports Timing: Avoid intense exercise at noon when the sun is hottest. During these hours, the air temperature and the effect of sun rays are at the highest level. You can take advantage of cooler weather conditions by planning your sports activities in the early morning or late afternoon.
- Do Sports in Cool Places: If you are going to do outdoor sports, prefer shade and cool areas. Especially parks and wooded areas help to reduce the effect of hot weather. Indoor gyms or indoor swimming pools can also be more suitable alternatives for doing sports in hot weather.
- Prefer Light and Breathable Clothes: Make sure that the clothes you wear while doing sports are light and non-sweating. Sportswear that prevents sweating and balances body temperature makes you feel more comfortable and safe in hot weather.
- Do a Good Warm Up and Cool Down: In hot weather, it is important to do a good warm-up before sports and an effective cool down afterwards. While warming up reduces the risk of injury by increasing body temperature, cooling down supports recovery by lowering body temperature and relaxing muscles.
- Ensure Electrolyte Balance: When doing sports, it is important to maintain not only water but also electrolyte balance in the body. Electrolytes are minerals that regulate fluid balance and the neuromuscular system in the body. You can replace lost minerals by consuming sports drinks or juices containing electrolytes after sports.
- Avoid Overexerting Yourself: The body gets more tired in hot weather and over-exercising can lead to serious health problems such as heat stroke. Listen to yourself and avoid overexerting your body. If the temperature and humidity are too high, you can opt for lighter and low-intensity sports activities.
- Consider your health condition: Individuals with chronic health problems or taking medication should be careful, especially in hot weather. Before doing sports, they should consult their doctors and find out if they are suitable for sports.
Muhtaroğlu concluded: “Do not forget that doing sports is important for a healthy life, but you should not ignore your safety while doing so. By taking the right precautions in hot weather, you can enjoy doing sports and protect your health. When you feel good, doing sports will be more enjoyable.”