EUL Academician Kırıkkaleli researched the relationship between urbanization and environmental sustainability

Head of the Department of Banking and Finance, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, European University of Lefke Assoc. Prof. Dr. Derviş Kırıkkaleli and European University of Lefke doctorate student James Karmoh Sowah prepared their study together, published in Environmental Science and Pollution Research, one of the best journals in the field.
Kırıkkaleli “With the study, the question of whether there is a relationship between urbanization and environmental sustainability in the world between 1950 and 2014 was answered. “Wavelet Analysis”, which stands out among the new generation scientific techniques, was used in the study. This analysis technique analyzes time series simultaneously in both frequency and time domain. In addition, with the approach used in the study, it gave the opportunity to examine the relationship between urbanization and environmental sustainability in the world, both in the short and long term.
Kırıkkaleli: In recent years, the flow to cities in the world has been increasing day by day.
“The vast majority of people in the world have lived in rural areas and small towns for centuries, but with the triggering of industrialization and globalization, the flow to cities in the world has increased day by day and continues to increase. According to the World Urbanization Prospects (2018) report published by the United Nations in 2018, while only 30 percent of the world population resides in cities in 1950, today this rate has increased to 55% and in 2030, 60 percent of the world population will reside in cities. Saying, Kırıkkaleli drew attention that this ratio is expected to rise to 77 percent in Europe.
Kırıkkaleli: Urbanization is the most important determinant of environmental sustainability in the medium and long term.
Kırıkkaleli stated that the ongoing debate among scientists on urbanization is increasing day by day, urbanization gathers industries and society in cities and positively affects economic growth, but as it is known, urbanization also has a negative effect on environmental quality. Kırıkkaleli mentioned that the worldwide increase in urbanization causes a similar increase in global energy consumption and consequently an increase in global carbon emission and environmental pollution. . In addition to this, Kırıkkaleli said that the increase in the use of urban energy produced especially with fossil fuels is one of the leading causes of global warming and thus threatens environmental sustainability, and a proposal highlighted in the study is the consensus and globalization as well as the consumption and consumption that globalization has changed in the last century. He stated that they have structures. Kırıkkaleli said, “Urbanization also increases the demand for housing and infrastructure, thereby increasing the level of energy consumption and carbon emissions, negatively affecting environmental sustainability and contributing negatively to global warming and climate change,” said Kırıkkaleli.
People in cities should be encouraged to consume environmentally friendly
Finally, Kırıkkaleli said, “Scientific research conducted with wavelet analysis shows that urbanization is one of the most important factors determining environmental sustainability in the medium and long term. Therefore, world leaders need to increase their renewable energy investments and provide support for communities to consume renewable energy. In addition, especially in cities, people should be encouraged to consume eco-friendly and trainings should be given in this direction ”.