EUL Academician Kaygısız made statements on the occasion of “Alzheimer’s Day”

Kaygısız: Physical activity is very important in preventing Alzhiemer’s disease and slowing the progression of the disease
European University of Lefke (EUL), Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, lecturer Assoc. Prof. Dr. Beliz Belgen Kaygısız made statements on the occasion of “Alzheimer’s Day”.
“An active life is very important for everyone. Adequate physical activity in daily life protects and improves mental, physical and psychological personal health. The increasing number of chronic diseases that can be seen with advancing age increases the importance of daily physical activity. Kaygısız expressed that one of the diseases that can be seen with ageing is ‘Dementia’, adding that the most common type of dementia today is Alzheimer’s Disease.
“Alzheimer’s disease is a physical disease of the brain. During the course of this disease, plaques and tangles develop in the brain, which cause the death of brain cells. At the same time, people with Alzheimer’s disease lack some important chemicals that enable the transmission of messages within the brain. Alzheimer’s disease progresses with age and symptoms become worse over time,” Kaygısız continued her explanations as follows;
The role of physical activity and exercise is becoming increasingly important today in order to maintain health and adopt an active lifestyle in individuals diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease. Irisin, known as the exercise hormone, is a hormone effective in protecting brain cells against ageing and wear and tear. Exercise routines help increase the level of irisin and achieve an ideal level of irisin, which in turn provides a metabolic defence against dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. In order to maintain irisin, it is important to exercise regularly and with a certain amount of effort.
“The effect of physical activity and exercise on the prevention of chronic diseases such as Alzheimer’s Disease, which develops with age and adversely affects the life of the individual, has been shown by many studies,” Kaygısız stated that physical activity is of great importance in preventing this disease and slowing down the transition between stages of the disease. “However, this importance is not sufficiently understood and the preference for a more sedentary lifestyle with ageing and the progression of the disease both increases the incidence of the disease and can accelerate the transition between stages,” said Kaygısız, and at the end of her words, she noted the following; In order to prevent this disease, which is also a threat to the young population, it is important to increase the level of physical activity in daily life and to have an exercise routine. Regardless of age, it is very important to make a physiotherapy rehabilitation assessment and to implement an appropriate exercise programme in order to prevent the disease and to reduce the progression of the disease.