EUL Academician İmirzalıoğlu provided information about Dentistry Day and Week

Dentistry Day and Week
European University of Lefke (EUL) Faculty of Dentistry Dean Prof. Dr. Pervin İmirzalıoğlu congratulated all dentists on Dentistry Day in her statement on “Dentistry Day and Week”.
In her speech, İmirzalıoğlu used the following expressions: “On this special day and in the week in which it takes place, we celebrate the contributions of our colleagues to public health and discuss what we can do to improve professional sensitivity and social awareness” and continued her speech as follows: Dentistry is not only a profession that treats caries, tooth deficiency, tooth irregularities, or gingival problems. In addition to all these, it is a branch of medicine that gives the patient self-confidence by restoring his general health and smile. Moreover, it contributes to public health with preventive dentistry, starting from early childhood.
İmirzalıoğlu stated, “Therefore, let’s take a moment today to appreciate the importance of oral health and to think about the role of dentists in our lives,” and pointed out that regular dental check-ups should not be neglected by keeping in mind the importance of oral hygiene.
Finally, İmirzalıoğlu concluded her words by saying, “While celebrating the Dentistry Day of all dentists, I wish everyone happy smiles.”.