EUL Academician İkiz emphasized the importance of regular physical activity

Aim at least 30 minutes a day for your health
European University of Lefke (EUL) Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Lecturer Asst. Prof. Dr. İpek İkiz discussed the “Effects of Regular Physical Activity on Our Health” and touched on the benefits of regular physical activity.
“With the increase in the technological devices we use to make our lives easier, we continue our daily life activities more effortlessly and using less energy. Although these technological devices seem to make our daily life easier and increase our quality of life, they make us more vulnerable to chronic diseases as they reduce our physical activity level,” said İkiz, and listed the benefits of regular physical activity as follows;
• Reduces your risk of heart attack
• Allows you to control your weight
• Lowers your blood cholesterol level
• Reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes and some types of cancer
• Lowers your blood pressure
• It makes your bones, muscles and joints healthier and stronger, thus reducing the risk of osteoporosis (bone loss).
• Reduces your risk of falling
• It reduces your risk of hospitalization or shortens your hospital stay by increasing your recovery speed in case of any illness.
• Makes you feel better, more energetic and more relaxed with a better mood
• Physical activity improves your thinking, learning and judgment skills.
Drawing attention to the importance of exercise for a healthier mood, İkiz continued:
• Many studies have shown that exercise helps depression.
• Exercise can block negative thoughts or distract you from your daily worries.
• Exercising with your friends gives you the opportunity to socialize.
• Increasing your vitality raises your mood and allows you to sleep better and more regularly.
“To protect your health and reduce your risk of disease, at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity, preferably every day of the week or at least 5 days a day, is recommended,” says İkiz. Minute vigorous-intensity physical activity or a combination of both moderate and vigorous activities is recommended. Expressing that walking, fast walking, low-paced running, dancing, cycling or swimming activities can be given as examples of moderate-intensity physical activities, İkiz said that as examples of high-intensity physical activities, jogging, basketball, football, tennis, step-aerobics lessons, She said that there can be fast-paced dances. Saying that “Physical activity is the expenditure of energy as a result of any movement of the body created by the skeletal muscles”, İkiz said, therefore, activities in your daily and working life and leisure activities (such as exercise, sports) are included in the scope of physical activity and that physical activity is only exercise and physical activity. stated that it does not cover sports, but also includes daily activities such as housework.
İkiz finally said, “If you are over 45 years old, have chest pain with physical activity, frequently faint or have severe dizziness, have trouble breathing during moderate physical activity, think you may have heart disease or have heart problems, if you are pregnant, prior to starting your physical activity program, you should go to the doctor first,” she concluded.