EUL Academician Günebak gave some tips on healthy and young looking skin

European University of Lefke Faculty of Health Sciences Department of Nutrition and Dietetics academician Assist. Prof. Tuba Günebak shared some important information about nourishment for healthy and young looking skin.
Günebak explained the reason of aging as the structural and functional change of all the cells in the organism with the effect of time. Pointing out that some of these changes are visible Günebak stated these changes as change of posture (body posture), decrease of skin elasticity, and formation of wrinkles. Günebak said that aging is not just a chronological result, and added that environmental features can also speed up the process of aging. Günebak said that, “You all see people who appear older or younger than they are. The most important factors that can cause premature aging are bad nutrition, environmental pollution, smoking and sleeping disorder.”
Günebak; We can look and feel much younger than we are
Günebak stated that there are telomeres that do not carry any genetic information at the tip of chromosomes which carry genetic information and that prevent chromosomal wear during cell division and added that with aging these telomeres gets shorter and when they get shorter cellular division stops in order word the cells dies. Günebak emphasized that with a correct and healthy diet it is possible to prevent the shortening of telomeres and in this way aging. She said that, “We can look and feel much younger than we are, but how?” and listed the suggestions as follows;
- Many studies show that there is a direct correlation between the vitamin D level and telomere length. This means that individuals with adequate levels of vitamin D ages later than the others. Turkish society is prone to vitamin D insufficiency. It is therefore an important step in the path of youth to make sure that you check your vitamin D level every year, if necessary, under your doctor’s supervision, and to benefit directly from the sun (not behind glass).
- It is also shown that sufficient intake of antioxidant vitamins has an effect on the telomere length and delay of the aging process. The most important antioxidant nutrients that support youthful appearance are astaxanthin, A, C, and E vitamins.
- Coenzyme Q10 is another important vitamin that slows aging. Regular coenzyme Q10 intake protects against DNA damage and is also required for heart and muscle health. Coenzyme Q10 sources; low fat red meat, peanuts, broccoli, cauliflower, salmon and menhaden.
- Another nutrient that delays aging is omega-3 fatty acids. Consuming sea fishes such as salmon, sea bass, regularly is a way to reach Omega-3 naturally.
- Consumption of foods rich in polyphenols also helps to delay aging. These are also natural compounds with antioxidant effect. Foods containing polyphenols are green tea, freshly fermented black tea, coffee, red wine, bitter chocolate, grapes and legumes.
- Another nutrient that is also one of the bioactive components delays aging is flavonoids. Parts of pear, apples and cherry close to the shell are rich in flavonoids.
- Sufficient level of vitamin B, especially folate and B12 in blood and being nourished with these vitamins also delay aging. It should be noted that the only source of vitamin B12 is animal-derived foods (meat, milk, cheese, eggs). In order to reach folic acid, for legumes such as lentils, dark green leafy vegetables, asparagus, broccoli, egg, tomato juice can be included in the daily diet.
- It has been found that turmeric both slows down the aging process and protects against cancer (especially melanoma).
- The protection and development of intestinal health is also important in the context of delaying aging. The intestinal health is closely related to the immune system and anti-aging mechanism. Probiotic or synbiotic nutrients (such as probiotic yoghurt, kefir) should be consumed on a daily nutritional basis in terms of the development of intestinal health and nutrients containing whole grain cereals, legume, crusted fruits should be consumed.
- Magnesium is another nutrient that has been reported to have a positive effect on the aging process. It also has benefits both on the protection of DNA integrity and the control of oxidative stress, which can lead to cell damage.
- Suggested foods that should not be consumed are processed foods, foods containing simple sugars, and foods containing chemical additives.
- At least 8 glasses of water per day should be drunk and due to the absorption capacity of our small intestines, the amount to be ingested should be distributed throughout the day.
- It is important to remember that regular exercise is beneficial in this process and physical activity for at least 150 minutes in total every week should be done.
Günebak emphasized that, as a result, healthy diet which includes antioxidants with includes skin-friendly foods should be applied, and added that everyone should pay attention to portion control, exercise for at least 20 minutes 2 or 3 days of the week, learn how to manage stress, and sleep for at least 6 hours every night.