EUL Academician Ermiyagil analyzed the importance of squares in “urban identity”

Ermiyagil took “Namık Kemal Square” as an Example
European University of Lefke Faculty of Architecture Department of Graphic Design Department head Assist. Prof. Selen Abbasoğlu Ermiyagil represented EUL at International History and Culture Congress organized by Economic Development and Social Studies Association (İKSAD).
Ermiyagil presented “Change of a Square in a Historic Process; Namık Kemal Square – Famagusta” named notice at the congress.
Squares are the main urban elements that reflect the culture of the cities
Ermiyagil said that “Historical cities are at the forefront of our cultural assets, which have the feature of bridging between the past and present. The squares are the main urban elements that reflect the cultures of the cities. From the past, until today urban squares reflect the traces of the historical development, culture and social structure of societies,”
In her notice, Ermiyagil stated the aim of her study as the investigation of the social, cultural and functional changes in the historical process of Famagusta Namık Kemal Square, which was ruled by civilizations with different cultural and social structures in Northern Cyprus. Ermiyagil stated that, with this aim in order to gather information about different periods she had made used of different sources such as literature review, travel notes, old photos and maps.
Ermiyagil “It is important to sustain a square structure that is compatible with the structure of the city and that can be handed down to the next generations
Pointing out the importance of Namık Kemal Square for Famagusta, Ermiyagil pointed out that it is also important for the island because it is one of the best-preserved squares. Ermiyagil pointed out the importance of sustaining a square structure that is compatible with the structure of the city and that can be handed down to the next generations and said that “It is a necessity to develop the necessary enlivenment and make-up projects about this place which is the important influence on the urban identity, in the direction of the results obtained in the research that was conducted while shedding light on the future with different solutions.”