EUL Academician Dağcılar draw attention to the protection of food safety

European University of Lefke (EUL) Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Nutrition and Dietetics faculty member Dr. Kamil Dağcılar gave important information on “Points to be Considered for the Protection of Food Safety”.
“Adequate and balanced nutrition is necessary for the maintenance of life and health. Therefore, it is very important to reach safe and healthy food. “Safe food is microbiologically clean, nutrient-free, physically and chemically intact foods.” He said “Safe food is microbiologically clean, nutrient-free, physically and chemically intact foods.” He stated that one of the most fundamental problems related to nutrition in the world is the lack of access to safe food and that food-borne infections are among the most important public health problems of developed and developing countries.
“Today, many people cannot reach the nutrients they need for a healthy life at a sufficient level and millions of people who cannot reach enough food die every year due to hunger. The reasons such as environmental pollution due to developing technology, changing consumption habits during the globalization process, low education and income level, subcontracting, inability to make necessary physical investments in food production units, insufficient legislation, lack of control practices and population increase pose a risk in terms of food safety.He said that the basic principle in ensuring food safety is to prevent contamination of food from various sources at all stages from the production of food and beverages to the consumption stage.
Personal hygiene and food hygiene are very important in terms of ensuring food safety.
Stating that foods can become health-threatening elements by being contaminated in 3 different ways, mainly physical, chemical and biological, Dağcılar said, “Hair, nails, pieces of metal, splinters, glass shards and so on. Non-nutritional foreign substances are caused by physical contamination, pesticides, detergents contaminated from poorly rinsed containers, unsuitable colored plastic materials used in food packaging, food additives used above the recommended level, chemical contamination, microorganisms (molds, parasites, etc.) that grow rapidly due to lack of proper storage and hygienic conditions. “viruses, bacteria) are factors that cause biological contamination.”
Emphasizing that personal hygiene and food hygiene are very important in terms of preventing physical, chemical and biological contamination and ensuring food safety, Dağcılar stated that one of the most important sources that contaminate food with microorganisms is the people who prepare the food and therefore the personal hygiene of the people who prepare the food should pay great attention.
Dağcılar listed the points to be considered in ensuring personal hygiene as follows:
1- Mouth, Nose and Hair;
a. Mouth, nose and hair should not be touched while preparing, cooking and consuming foods.
b. Avoid smoking and chewing gum while preparing meals.
c. In situations such as coughing and sneezing, be very careful, and use a tissue paper.
d. The taste controls of the meals should be done with a separate spoon, not with the spoon with which the food is mixed to.
e. Care should be taken in general body hygiene
2- Clothes;
a. Preventive measures should be taken against hair loss during food and beverage preparation.
b. Aprons should be used when preparing meals and the aprons should be cleaned at appropriate intervals.
3- Hands;
a. Hands should be washed hygienically at the beginning of each work, after handling raw foods, after toilet, after handling money, after handling dirty equipment, after coughing and sneezing, after handling garbage, before serving food.
b. Nail polish, wedding rings and jewelery should not be used during food preparation.
c. If there are wounds, cuts and abrasions on the hands, waterproof gloves should be used during food preparation.
Dağcılar conveyed the points to be considered in ensuring food hygiene as follows:
1. Buying;
a. Food should be purchased from reliable places in accordance with the principles of purchase.
2. Food storage;
a. Food should be stored in suitable containers / packages.
b. It should be stored at appropriate times and temperatures
c. The refrigerator and freezer door should not be opened until the power returns when the power is cut
3. Preparation and Cooking;
a. All fresh fruits and vegetables should be washed thoroughly with plenty of water.
b. Raw and cooked foods should be prepared on separate preparation surfaces and with separate tools and facts.
c. Make sure that the tools used in cooking are clean.
4. Service;
a. Make sure that the tools (plates, forks, spoons, etc.) used for service are clean.
b. Scratched, cracked or broken tools should not be used.