EUL academician Bardak: “Healthy eating routine should be maintained in holiday terms as well.”

European University of Lefke (EUL) Faculty of Health Sciences Nutrition and Dietetics Department academician Asst. Prof. Dr. Nazal Bardak gave information about “Nutrition in Summer Months” and emphasized that dietary habits gained during the diet period should not be forgotten and the body which is in good form should be maintained during the holiday term as well.
Bardak pointed out that with the aim of relieving tiredness in the summer individuals make holiday plans and these holiday plans which include plenty of sea and pool activities actually include plenty of food and desserts. Bardak said that many individuals have been going on a diet and doing exercise to be in pre-vacation form or stay in shape but would ignore these during the holiday period
Bardak said that in recent years, people started to prefer “all-inclusive” services, and pointed out that individuals who do not want to gain weight again should be careful and they should not forget the basic dietary habits gained during the diet period.
Bardak listed what the individuals should look out for during the holiday period as;
– When you are on holiday, keep track of your sleeping schedule and do not miss breakfast.
– Be aware of the consumption of fatty foods and fries at breakfast and all other meals as your tolerance for hotness decreases.
-Avoid meat products such as sausages, salami, ham, etc., prefer a Mediterranean style breakfast with products such as cheese, olives, tomatoes, cucumbers, wholegrain bread or hot cross buns and fruits.
– To avoid other high-calorie snacks, you can take fruit from the breakfast buffet and consume it as a snack.
– Do not pass off your lunch and evening meal and do not leave the table unless you are full, in this way you do not have the urge to consume snack continuously.
– At lunch and dinner, eat mainly protein. Protein will help you to stay full. Be sure that the meat you prefer is cooked on the grill or in the oven. Avoid fried meat varieties in oil.
– Have 4-5 kinds of vegetables -one spoonful of different vegetables, next to your meat. Also prepare a salad with plenty of vegetables.
– If you want to eat carbohydrate foods such as rice / pasta / pastry, do not eat bread. Be careful not to consume in high portions.
– If you want to eat desert, try to prefer light deserts. Deserts with milk, ice cream, fruit salad, ice-cream drinks, iced fruit drinks may be preferred. Avoid syrup, pastry and oil-fried desserts. Do not consume oils such as heavy cream and cream next to your dessert.
Bardak: “Excessive sweating due to temperature causes water and mineral loss”
In addition, indicating that water consumption is also very important in summer, Bardak pointed out that Excessive sweating due to temperature causes water and mineral loss, at least 2-3 liters of water, lemonade, fresh and natural fruit juices, Non-acid diet drinks should be consumed to keep the water in balance. Bardak pointed out that individuals with low blood pressure could prefer buttermilk (ayran) and mineral waters, and added that individuals with high blood pressure should not consume salty foods such as highly salted olives, mineral water, cheese, pickles, salted nuts, brine and smoked meats, soy sauce, chips.
Bardak added that alcohol consumption is also an important issue in the holiday period and said that it is better to consume high alcoholic beverages in small quantities; it is more accurate to avoid alcohol in the hottest hours during the day and excessive alcohol consumption may cause the blood pressure to increase because it will cause water loss.