EUL Academician Alptuğ touched upon the subject of “Child and Physical Activity” during the pandemic process

It is useful to give breathing exercises to children
European University of Lefke (EUL) Faculty of Health Sciences Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Department Lecturer Ma. Physiotherapist Beraat Alptuğ provided information on the topic of “Children and Physical Activity”.
Stating that the education system is undergoing a change with the change of life in this pandemic process, Alptuğ said that the education carried out in the school in cooperation with the teacher-student is now carried out with the teacher-student-parent triangle and therefore the duties and responsibilities of parents have increased and this process has been experienced. She emphasized that it is up to parents to highlight their positive aspects.
Children need play and physical activity for their development
Alptuğ said, “Continuing education online increases the time spent sitting in front of the screen in children and leads them to a sedentary lifestyle” and stated that sedentary lifestyle lays the groundwork for children to develop obesity, sleep problems and health problems. Alptuğ gave information about how much screen time should be, emphasizing that they need games and physical activity for the development of children and to reduce the problems that may occur.
“Screen time (television, computer, electronic games) should be less than 30 minutes a day. “Screen time cannot be recommended for children under the age of two,” Alptuğ said, adding that this process is also an important time period for children with special needs. Alptuğ said, “It is a period when the time spent at home increases and the skills gained through treatment may decrease in children who cannot continue their treatment.” stated that it offered the opportunity.
“As with every child, a child with special needs should also move and expel energy. Some spaces can be created at home for children to move and spend their energy. If there is a possibility in the living space, it can be moved in the garden, ”Alptuğ said, adding that a sports and activity area can be created with the materials in the house, considering the functions of the equipment in the sports center.
Breathing exercise helps the child to relax the muscles, thus reducing anxiety
Alptuğ continued her words by talking about breathing exercises in the continuation of herstatement; Breathing exercises are among the effective and necessary exercises to be used in this process. Breathing exercise can be applied to cope with intense stress and anxiety. In this process, it can also be among the activities to be done every day. A glass with 1/3 of water and a straw can be used for breathing exercises with children. While the child is walking around the house with the glass in his hand, he breathes through his nose and breathes into the water in the glass with a straw and moves without spilling the water.
Ballooning with sparkling water can be a different example. This exercise with children helps the muscles to relax and thus reduce anxiety. Exercises for muscle relaxation and stretching help reduce the tension created by stress and anxiety. Muscle relaxation and stretching exercises with children; During this process, the activities that need to be done every day are the activities that will both meet the child’s need to move and help him relax.