EUL Academic Direktör gave recommendations for the adaptation process to the school

European University of Lefke (EUL) Psychology Department academic staff member Assist. Prof. Dr. Cemaliye Direktör gave information about the school adaptation process in children and adolescents during the post-pandemic opening process.
“Since March, face-to-face education has not been available in our country. This has caused anxiety problems in our children for a long time. Even though the pandemic is an alarming situation in itself, being unable to go to school for a long time has created a sense of social isolation and loneliness in our children, and this may result in long-term adaptation problems. ” and how many people will be in classrooms, ventilation system, alternating or full-time physical conditions may cause anxiety in children and adolescents.” said Direktör.
Direktör, “They’re already doing the abiding behavior. Despite being a low risk group, they make many sacrifices to protect their environment. Homeschooling is not like in the classroom. Staying indoors at home has accumulated considerable energy in them. It is possible that they will have difficulties in sitting in the classroom with a mask and paying attention to the lesson, ”and emphasized the necessity of treating children much more understanding.
Activities aimed at solving anxiety problems are extremely important
Pointing out that the opening of schools is related to the state of the pandemic process in the countries, Direktör stated that children are also very worried about whether the school will remain open and that they will not be able to fully communicate with their friends when they go to school, and that they will be in an adaptation process. Direktör pointed out that in order to protect the psychological health of children and adolescents during their adaptation to school, it is extremely important that school psychological counselors organize activities aimed at increasing psychological resilience and solving anxiety problems in children and adolescents.
Parents should put aside their own concerns and listen to their own children
Direktör said, “How they will cope with their feelings of loneliness, how they will get away from the anxious thoughts such as whether I have become covid and will I infect someone when they touch somewhere, and how they will adapt to the new normal school life should be studied,” said Direktör. He expressed that he felt and that they would learn by living and experiencing like us. Direktör continued her words as follows; “Of course, they are also highly influenced by the reactions of those around them. For this reason, parents need to put aside their own concerns and listen to their own children. They should definitely take time to listen. Communication is not established by saying let’s talk, tell me. We have our own truths, and when listening to the other person, we should listen with their truths, not with our own truths, even at the age of 3. Children can cope with their own problems if they get enough rest. Not sending to school will not be a solution, but it should be checked by the parents whether the school to be attended has a truly healthy environment. Thus, parents will be able to protect their children’s psychological health by minimizing their own anxiety ”.