ECG Interpretation discussed in EUL

A conference on “Bradiaritmies-Tachyarrhythmia and ECG Interpretation” was organized by European University of Lefke (EUL) Health Services Vocational School. Dr. Hasan Yeşilağaç, Lecturer of Başkent University Adana Application and Research Center, attended the conference held in EUL Rauf Raif Denktaş Conference Hall, as a speaker.
“The heart cell can generate a spontaneous alert without needing any support, it can start and maintain a rhythm,” said Yeşilağaç, explaining the ECG waveforms on a visual presentation in general. “Even when there is no electrical activity in the heart, we define ‘positive defluxion’ as deflections above the flat or even isoelectric line that appears in the ECG report, and we define ‘deflections below’ as ‘negative deflections’,” Yeşilağaç said. Yeşilağaç defined the ECG interpretation process as a task to ask some questions to the ECG transcripts and to get answers. Attention was drawn to the fact that interpreting the waves and gaps in the ECG trace accurately is very important in establishing the correct ECG diagnosis.
Yeşilağaç gave detailed information about the causes of Bradiaritics-tachyarrhythmias and the drugs used. Yeşilağaç stated that the treatment to be applied to the patient as an electrical / antiarrhythmic patient is determined by the physician dealing with the patient and that advanced rhythm disorders should be treated under specialist control. “Follow-up and treatment of the patient under the airway safety and security perimeter is very important,” said Yesilagac, responding to the participants’ questions by providing comprehensive information.
At the end of the conference, Director of Health Services Vocational School Assist. Prof. Dr. Meltem Uçar presented a certificate of thanks to Yeşilağaç.