Different works of arts revealed in the Bağlıköy Workshop organized by EUL

Architecture Students Produced Projects for Bağlıköy
“Bağlıköy Common Workshop” organized by European University of Lefke (EUL) Faculty of Architecture took place with the participation of students and academicians from Dicle University.
Within the scope of workshop EUL Academicians made presentations on following topics; Assist. Prof. Dr. Erçim Uluğ on “Workshop Aims and Targets, Reconstruction Policy in TRNC”, Assist. Prof. Dr.Makbule Oktay on “Local Architecture of Bağlıköy” and Dr. Aliye Menteş on “Rural Development and Protection”.
Giving information about the workshop Assist. Prof. Dr. Erçim Uluğ pointed out that in May 2017, in order to make the Ekovillage Bağlıköy’s development progress in accordance with the planned and tissue, working areas were formed within the framework of the strategic planning decisions that were made in the scope of Architectural Conservation, Renovation and Revitalization Workshop in Bağlıköy that took place at EUL.
Uluğ pointed out the aim of common workshop of European University of Lefke and Dicle University as, completion of the typology study by analyzing Bağlıköy residence texture and ensuring that the development is conducted in the light of data revealed in the typology study, planning and designing the formation of the main meeting place and the public spaces in the village by analyzing the village texture, creating ideas about the park problem and transportation during the Ecodays and providing solutions to the needs determined on the topics of providing the organization.
Uluğ stated that the workshop took place with the participation of 7 academicians and 17 students and that they carried out different works on matters such as; ensuring inventory data to generate data for typology study and identification of traditional elements of Bağlıköy residents, determination of the location of the village square and the preliminary design of the square, analysis of village transportation networks, production of ideas for traffic and parking problems.
Uluğ pointed out that 3 separate student groups made preliminary design presentations on Bağlıköy analysis report and Bağlıköy square formation and emphasized that the students produced works which are planned and suitable in terms of texture for Bağlıköy which is one of the examples of the Cyprus regional architecture that has reached to the present day with the adorned mud brick (Kerpiç) structures in the village center.
In addition, Uluğ pointed out that as the EUL Faculty of Architecture, the studies for the transformation of the Bağlıköy typology analysis into the housing design book will continue in the light of the vision and scientific data revealed.