“Daily Life in Ottoman (Divan) Poetry” discussed at EUL

Prof. Dr. M. Nejat Sefercioğlu who is an Ottoman (Divan) Poetry expert as well as well-known poet, appeared as a guest to the conference themed “Daily Life in Ottoman (Divan) Poetry” organized by European University of Lefke Faculty of Arts & Sciences Department of Turkish Language and Literature.
The program of conference started with Turkish Language and Literature students reading the long poem named “Kır Çiçeklerim” (My Wild Flowers) of Sefercioğlu who has both Ottoman (Divan) and contemporary styles of poems.
Prof Dr. M. Nejat Sefercioğlu who started his speech after the opening speech of Dean of Faculty of Arts & Sciences Prof. Dr. Saadettin Yıldız explained the relation of daily life and Ottoman (Divan) Poetry with giving some examples.
Sefercioğlu said that, “Divan poets have carried many elements related to everyday life to poetry and have used various dreams as their subjects. In doing so, they have benefited abundantly from their observations, customs and beliefs of the society, as well was idioms, proverbs and wise sayings which they gained to our beautiful language, Turkish,”. Sefercioğlu stated that, when the observations and analysis on Divan poetry from past to today are reviewed, it is seen that Divan poets used everything that is included in their daily life from needle to thread and he evaluated this as the proof of how the Divan poets were closely attached to their life and his surroundings.
The conference which attracted active participation served as a workshop especially for the students of Turkish Language and Literature and Turkish teaching. Prof Dr. Sefercioğlu who has build-up over years and has very important researches and analysis in his field has very important determinations that would diminish the prejudgments about the Divan poetry which has a 600 years of history.
In his presentation Prof. Dr. Sefercioğlu read examples of Divan poetry and gave some detailed information about general characteristics of Divan literature poetry, Divan poetry, the tradition of Divan poetry and representatives of Divan poetry.