Creative Designs by EUL Architecture Students

“Studio Lefke 17” Workshop Work Realized
Within the scope of “Studio Lefke 17” organized by European University of Lefke (EUL) Faculty of Architecture, students exhibited different, contemporary, creative and original designs with 6 workshops for 5 days.
Within the scope of workshops, “Architecture and Children; Activities such as “Street Labyrinth”, “Change – Transformation”, “Two Things”, “Team 12 confronting architecture” and “Freehand Sketching Basics” Met with great interest.
The workshop “Facing Architecture” organized by Prof. Dr. Lerzan Aras, Head of Architecture Department of EUL Faculty of Architecture, Ersan Öksüz and Feriha Urfalı, was carried out behind the Faculty of Architecture of EUL by using the structure construction method. 9 squares were built using real metrics and 16 squared spaces were created to express spatial qualities within these 9 squares.
Under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Faruk Yalçın Ugurlu, a workshop named “Two Things” was realized. The workshops, which took place in 25 different students and in the Studio Hall of the Faculty of Architecture of EUL and in the open area of the campus, were arranged in order to give consciousness and sensitivity to the practical direction of the architectural design process.
Workshop entitled “Change – Transformation” Assist. Prof. Dr. Makbule Oktay, Instructors Neslihan Gözde Oral and Ayse Ersever were organized on the initiative. Faculty of Architecture students work in 3 different groups for 5 days in the workshop work held in front of EUL Faculty of Architecture and EUL underground. On the first day of the event the groups were told about the workshop, the materials they were using were introduced and the areas they would design for the exhibition were shown. Considering the materials and the space, they started to work on how to design an exhibition, how to design an exhibition, then to designs were exhibited for 4 days.
Assist. Prof. Dr. Selen Abbasoğlu coordinated with Ermiyagil “Architecture and Children; Street Labyrinth “workshop was organized. Workshops were held with the students studying in the Architecture and Interior Architecture departments of EUL and the students studying at İstiklal Elementary School and Erdal Abit Elementary School. Ermiyagil considering that the children in Lefke region can not be forgotten in this rapid development process and can not declare their opinions about their own cities as a result of the rapid change in the structural environment due to the development of EUL and the children’s amusement as a result of these workshops, Aimed at revealing their views. The work that was done with the students of the Faculty of Architecture started with a playground prepared by the students of architecture for the children. The students who have fun in the playground and draw the streets of their dreams reveal the way they want to see the streets of Lefke and reflect the colors they want to see on the streets.
The workshop “Freehand Sketching Basics” took place under the coordination of Assist. Prof. Dr. Sassan Seyedkalal and Dr. Timothy Onosahwo Iyendo. The 2-day workshop enabled viewers to create an overview of how free hand drawing in design was used as a tool.
At the end of the 5th day, all the workshops were toured with the guests and the faculty students, the students were told by the students and the participants of the work, the emerging designs were examined and the attendance documents were given to the students.