Cooperation protocol signed between EUL and KTEMB

A cooperation protocol was signed between the European University of Lefke (EUL) and the Cyprus Turkish Electrical Contractors Association (KTEMB). The Protocol Signing Ceremony held in the Rectorate Senate Hall was attended by EUL Rector Prof. Dr. Mehmet Ali Yükselen, KTMB President Bora Karaçam, EUL Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Akın Cellatoğlu and institution officials.
The protocol was signed by EUL Rector Prof. Dr. Mehmet Ali Yükselen and KTMB President Bora Karaçam. Within the scope of the protocol, joint studies can be carried out in the field of electricity / electronics.
The protocol is to create internship opportunities and job opportunities for students in the member companies of the union, to ensure the development of training programs in line with the needs of the market, to improve the professional knowledge, skills and social awareness of the students, to organize joint training activities and social events on the subjects that the market needs, to provide the sector with knowledge and experience. and to increase the cooperation of the academic staff of the relevant departments.