Communication Specialist Özdemir Tokel told the students of EUL Faculty of Communication Sciences about the “Communication” sector: “We have to establish the right relationship with the target audiences”

Participating in the “Sector Student Meetings” event organized by the EUL Faculty of Communication Sciences, Communication Specialist Özdemir Tokel shared his professional experiences in Turkey and TRNC and evaluated the structure of the sector and the point it has reached from past to present. Tokel told the students how the university education process should be evaluated in order to achieve success in the sector, and how they can improve themselves.
Stating that developing their practices in the field of communication before graduating from school in every possible subject will prepare them for the sector, Tokel said, “First of all, we must be honest with ourselves. We must determine what we can and cannot do. What are the things we are good at? we must ask ourselves. So we can discover and develop our talents.”
The role that communication and public relations studies play in shaping people’s opinions and behaviors; Voicing through examples from various parts of the world, Tokel emphasized that it will be important for students to have a good grasp of these events and issues in understanding and applying their profession.
In his speech; Özdemir Tokel also mentioned the changing competitive environment and underlined the importance of the need for communication and public relations studies and said, “We have to establish the ‘correct’ relationship with the target audiences, whether they are for-profit organizations or political parties.” Noting that communication experts have a lot of work at this point, Tokel said that students; He wanted them to be aware that they would be a part of a very important profession.