“Drug Prevention; Methods and Solution Proposal” discussed in EUL

A panel was held on “Drug Prevention; Methods and Solution Proposal” by European University of Lefke (EUL) Students’ Dean Office and Social Services Club. The panel speakers were Hasan Karaokçu, President of the Commission on Drug Abuse, Dr. Gülcem Safa Razi, an employee of the Drug Enforcement Commission Support Program, and Social Services Department Nicosia Branch Director, Yeşim Gürçinar.
Karaoke: Addictive substances such as cigarettes and alcohol are recognized when mentioning drugs
During the speech on “the factors that trigger substance abuse in North Cyprus, our prejudices and enemy portraits”, Karaokçu said that they had been working on drug addiction and they gave trainings about this issue within the schools. Karaokçu stressed that many institutions in Turkey have collaborated on cigarette and alcohol issues and have been carrying out serious studies.
Razı: The aim is to raise the level of consciousness about substance abuse among young people
During the presentation on “Addiction, Education on Awareness”, Razı explained that the purpose of the training program was to raise the level of consciousness of the youth about substance abuse to the highest level. Razı addressed the issues of addiction, addictive substances, promotion on the use of substances and reasons for self-protection. “The best way to protect from substance abuse is never to begin,” said Razı, also explaining substance abuse as the use of substances that affect one or more functions of the body in a negative way, and the continuous use of these substances despite their harm.
Gürçınar: Our vision is to help all those in need in society.
Gürçınar, who gave information about the applications made in the Lefkoşa Social Services Department, said that it is the most important task of helping all the people, especially disabled people, elderly people, foster families and orphans, who are in need in society. Gürçınar stressed that, “Drug-addicted patients are transferred to Barış, Soul and Nerve Hospital for breaking their drug addiction and for their treatments. Gürçınar said that this institution has provided financial support for those who receive treatment and their families in order for them to be able to meet their needs and emphasized that they are helping the person who is addicted to return to work or school life following their treatment process. Gürçınar underlined that the Social Services Department supports children who are guilty of crime and who are under 16 years of age. Gürçınar stated that it is important for children who commit crimes to be able to spend their punishment periods in education homes and workshops rather than prison, and that children should be protected from all kinds of neglect.