Chief Fırat Siriş shared his 20 years of professional experience with EUL students

Chef Fırat Siriş was the guest of the talk organized by the European University of Lefke (EUL) Gastronomy and Culinary Arts Department. It was moderated by the Head of Gastronomy and Culinary Arts Department Asst. Prof. Dr. İlker Türkeri The online event attracted great interest from the students.
Answering questions from students during the live broadcast, Siriş said, “You will love it!” In his words, he stated that he did the environment he worked in and the job he did willingly and lovingly, and that the priority in this profession was to do it correctly and with pleasure. Emphasizing the importance of the artisan restaurant where he started his career, Siriş underlined that he continued his culinary journey, which he started with his father, by turning to Ottoman Cuisine, and that he never gave up trying to achieve success during his journey to the Four Seasons Hotel. Cooking? Is it management? Explaining the importance of both to the questions separately, he emphasized that management is more suitable for him. Siriş explained that when choosing his colleagues, he gave importance to their character, family life, and the balance between his private and business life.
Chef Fırat Siriş, who also stated that he spends great effort and time for customer satisfaction, stated that he took his father and Mehmet Gök as an example in the profession and adopted following their footsteps as a principle. Lastly, Chef Siriş talked about the meaning that working with young people add to their lives and the satisfaction of helping them get involved in the profession, and conveyed the contents of two local signature plates to EUL students.