Brain specifications discussed at EUL

A conference entitled “I will beat you, my brain” was organized under the collaboration of European University of Lefke (EUL) Students’ Dean Office and Entrepreneur Young Horizons Club. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Onur Köksal participated to the conference which was realized at EUL Rauf Raif Denktaş Conference Hall, as a speaker.
Köksal said that the brain is composed of two parts and that the left lobe has developed subjects such as logic, words, numbers, listing and linearity by giving information about the brain’s lobes and features. Köksal emphasized that the right lobe develops people who are involved in dreaming, power, dimension, rhythm, and integrity.
Köksal, who exercised a brief test to find out which side of the participants’ brains were using, expressed that both the minds of both scientific and spiritual sources, in other words the right and left lobes of the human brain, work completely differently. Köksal said that the inadequacies and defects in the performances of the people who use half of the brain intensively and ignore the other half are observed but the development of the other half of the brain will also bring very interesting and wonderful results.
Köksal also affected situations that negatively affected brain health. In addition, Köksal, in terms of brain health; insomnia, fast food, emotional trauma, polluted air, diseases and excessive consumption of medicines, mobile phone, sugar, extreme regularity and extreme irregular life are dangerous, and participants were offered suggestions to protect their brain health.
At the end of the conference, Students’ Dean Özgür Yılmabaşar presented a certificate of appreciation to Köksal.