“Book Illustrations” prepared by EUL students were exhibited

European University of Lefke (EUL) Faculty of Communication Sciences Department of Visual Communication and Faculty of Architecture Department of Graphic Design organized an exhibition titled “Book Illustrations”. The exhibition which was moderated by Assist. Prof. Dr. Derin Şirvan Işıkören took place at EUL Faculty of Communication Foyer.
Unlike image, illustration is defined as a branch of Graphic Design which is prepared for conveying a message about a subject and explaining the subject and creating an aesthetic visual language and re-perception of the subject.
Işıkören: Images are processed in the flow of the book and placed at the points they emphasize in the story
Işıkören said that News in the newspapers, articles in magazines, written texts such as stories, novels and poems in the contents of books are visualized with illustrations and the effect of the subject on the reader is increased and added that the illustrations in the child books are the greatest example for this. Işıkören said that the exhibition consisting of visuals drawn by students within the scope of illustration course included 50 illustrations chosen by the second grade students. Işıkören stated that students processed the images in the flow of the book and placed at the points they emphasize in the story and added that projects were conducted by imaging of the books such as “Don Quixote, Time Regulation Institute, The Metamorphosis” with open spreading method with 2 meters to 1,20 meters sheets. Işıkören also stated that “We congratulate the second year students of both departments for their efforts and achievements”.
At the end of the opening of the exhibition Dean of Faculty of Architecture Prof. Dr. Lerzan Aras and Dean of Faculty of Communication Prof. Dr. Faruk Kalkan presented a certificate of participation to the students of the both departments.