“Awareness on AIDS Day” event held at EUL

EUL students raised awareness by distributing posters and leaflets about AIDS
European University of Lefke (EUL) International Students Club, Red Crescent Club, Green Crescent Club, Social Services Club, Nursing Club and Arts Club organized an event themed “Awareness on AIDS Day” on the occasion of World AIDS Day.
In the awareness event organized by five different student clubs operating at the European University of Lefke, informative brochures about AIDS were prepared and videos were taken and published on social media on the World AIDS day. In addition, in order to draw attention to AIDS, the panels were hand-printed with red paint.
With the awareness activity organized, information about AIDS disease, which has a great importance in terms of its social spread to large masses, was given and attention was paid to the importance of learning the ways of transmission and prevention to prevent AIDS.