Autism Awareness Event by EUL

Bilmez, we now have a red light for autism
European University of Lefke (EUL) Head of Special Education Teaching Department Asst. Prof. Dr. Hatice Bilmez gave information about Autism Awareness month.
Bilmez stated the following in her statements; From 2009 until last year, the ‘Light a Blue Light for Autism’ campaign was carried out all over the world in April, the month of Autism Awareness. The aim of this campaign is to draw attention to autism and raise awareness. The Light the Blue Light on Autism campaign has made the word Autism heard by many people and has gone a long way towards raising awareness. However, awareness is limited to the month of April. Although awareness has been raised, individuals with autism still have difficulties in accessing qualified educational environments, are not accepted at workplaces, and both themselves and their families struggle with different problems in many areas. This situation indicates that autism awareness has improved but acceptance has not yet been achieved. We know that individuals with autism have the same rights and freedoms as everyone else despite their differences. For all these reasons, for the last two years, the colour of autism awareness has changed from blue to red, the colour of acceptance. Now the red light is turned on for individuals with autism. We are lighting the “Red Light for Autism” to show that we accept individuals with autism in all areas and stages of life.
Students participated in the event wearing red clothes and a red accessory
Bilmez stated that EUL Dr. Fazıl Küçük Faculty of Education Guidance and Psychological Counselling Student Club and Special Education Teaching Student Club students organized a “We are in Vision for Autism” event for Autism Awareness month and stated that a movie screening was held with the participation of all faculty of education students. Bilmez stated that the students who came to watch the movie participated in the event with red clothes or a red accessory for the “Light a Red Light for Autism” campaign and that after the movie screening, Special Education Teaching academicians answered the students’ questions about autism and special education.