“Azerbaijan National Day” Celebrated at EUL

“Azerbaijan National Day” was organized for the Azerbaijani students studying at EUL with the contributions of European University of Lefke Directorate of International Office and Students’ Dean Office. The night …

1048 Students Graduated

Nicosia, 23 June 2017 (Turkish News Agency) : 2016-2017 graduation ceremony of European University of Lefke (EUL) took place last night. In the ceremony organized on 16 August Liberation Hall …

Social responsibility example by EUL students

Visit to Nicosia Child Protection Institution                                                                                                                         A visit was made to the Lefkoşa Child Protection Institution by the European University of Lefke Preschool Teaching Department Student Club. The Pre-School Teaching …

“Turkmenistan Culture Day” took place in EUL

European University of Lefke (EUL) Directorate of International Office and Student Affairs Office contributed to the “Turkmenistan Culture Day” event organized by EUL students. During the night, colorful shows accompanied …