Ekenoğlu: “The most important approach for the prevention of HIV infection is to avoid high-risk behaviors and to take protective measures” European University of Lefke (EUL) Vocational School of Health …
European University of Lefke Faculty of Law Department of Business Law Academician, Gülçin Çam gave information about “Women’s Rights” and attracted attention to the place of women in society. Çam; …
Mongolian students of European University of Lefke celebrated their homeland’s national day at the organization held at EUL. Staff of EUL Student’s Dean Office and International Relations Directorate, and students …
“Cypriot Meatball” prepared by EUL Gastronomy Department Academician Zihni Türksel and gastronomy students was offered to the students at the stands set up in two different places on the campus …
European University of Lefke Faculty of Health Sciences Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Department organized a workshop themed “Elastic Resistance Exercise Training and Exercise Examples in the light of Scientific Evidences”. In …
Okray: We all should make an effort to hand down a future free from violence to next generations European University of Lefke (EUL) Faculty of Arts & Sciences, Department Head …
Let’s Give an Ear to the Voice of Child European University of Lefke (EUL) Faculty of Law, Commercial Law Department Academician Gülçin Çam made some statements on “Child Rights”. Pointing …
Arts Workshop carried out with the sponsorship of European University of Lefke (EUL) that took place at Lefke. M. Fahri Sever and Ergun Taşkın were the coordinators of the workshop …
Academician of European University of Lefke Vocational School of Health Care Services, Dr. Yağmur Ekenoğlu made some statements on World Antibiotic Awareness Week. Stating that antibiotic resistance is a serious …
“EUL Student Clubs Festival” organized by European University of Lefke (EUL) Office of Students, Dean took place at EUL Plaza. The clubs introduced their activities and their aims to the …