Articles of EUL Acedemicians Kılıç and Portakalcı have been Published

Two different studies conducted by Academicians of European University of Lefke Faculty of Communication Sciences Department of Public Relations and Advertising Assoc. Prof. Dr. Esra Aydın Kılıç and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Portakalcı in the TRNC were published in the 5th edition of the internationally indexed journal “Journal of Life Economics” published by EBSCO Index.
Kılıç said that, their joint study with Portakalcı which was a research on purchasing behaviors of consumers was published as two separate articles. Kılıç emphasized the fact that competition in the TRNC is increasing rapidly and underlined that the understanding of consumer behavior is vital for companies.
Kılıç; “Researches provide tips that companies can use to improve their marketing, advertising, and public relations efforts”
Kılıç said that, the most important step of domestic companies which are in a competition with world and Turkey brands and who are in the course of branding in adapting to the competition conditions is to be able to respond to the likes, desires and needs of the consumer by understanding the factors that play a role in the purchasing behavior of the consumers. Pointing out that there are many factors that play role on the purchasing behavior, Kılıç said that all of these factors differ from society to society and culture to culture thus these researches conducted T.R.N.C consumers provide tips that companies can use to improve their marketing, advertising, and public relations efforts.
Kılıç stated that some parts of their multi-dimensional consumer research which were obtained by the interviews conducted at Nicosia, Famagusta and Kyrenia districts of T.R.N.C are published in the articles titled “The Impact of Consumer Innovativeness as a Competitive Instrument on Buying Habits” and “The Role of Consumer’s Educational Status in Purchasing Decisions: In the Context of Food and Cosmetic Advertising”.