“All Dimensions of Domestic Violence” discussed at EUL

Panel themed “All Dimensions of Domestic Violence” organized at EUL by Faculty of Arts and Sciences Department of Psychology. Pannel started with the opening speech of Dean of EUL Faculty of Arts and Sciences Prof. Dr. Sadettin Yıldız. After the opening speech the subject of violence was handled by EUL Acadamician Dr. Mualla Köseoğlu with her presentation named “Violence Against Women from Sociologic Dimension”, Assoc. Prof. Dr Zihniye Okray with her presentation named “Humour and Violence”, Assist. Prof. Yavuz Erdoğan with his presentation named “Violence Against Women from Legal Dimension” and Police Chief Inspector Hüseyin Kafa with his presentation named “Police Intervention in TRNC in the cases of Violence Against Women”.
Köseoğlu: Aggressive activities in modern societies are usually shaped by three sources
Pointing out that aggressive activities in modern societies are usually shaped by three sources, Köseoğlu pointed out that these sources are family, social environment and media. Köseoğlu stated that when children who exhibit aggressive behaviors are examined for family life it is seen that their parents have the same behavior patterns. Köseoğlu said that “Domestic violence and violence against women are social problems and, at the same time, they are universal in nature, as they are seen in almost all countries”.
Okray: The most painful kind of violence is emotional or psychological abuse
Stating that the types of domestic violence include physical, verbal, emotional or psychological, sexual, economic abuse and neglect, Okray said that among the types of domestic violence, emotional or psychological abuse is the most painful and it affects mental health for a long time.,
Erdoğan: There are organizations where women can seek help when they are exposed to violence or are at risk of violence
Erdoğan said that, “When it comes to violence against women, only husbands abuse against wife is considered as violence againt women, but violence by fathers, brothers, or other family members in relation to kinship must also be regarded as violence against women,”. Erdogan gave examples from organizations, stating that there are also organizations in which women can seek help when exposed to violence or risk of violence.
Kafa: Violence against women results in physical, sexual or psychological damage
Kafa described violence as all the behavior that damages the rights of the victim for a material or moral interest by the practitioner and removes rights temporarily or completely. Kafa stated that violence against women includes any sex-based action that could result or result in physical, sexual, or psychological damage to women in private, family or community settings.
Kafa offered solutions regarding the struggle against Violence Against Women and said that there is a need of a unique unit consisting delgates from police, health, social services, chief prosecutors that can take action to offer victim woman counseling services when the complaints are received and to strengthen the social services department of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security (accommodation, financial and psychological possibilities), and added that in order to receive complaints of the victim women at any hour of day, by women police officers, the lack of female staff members should be eliminated and sufficient female staff should be kept in the units where the complaint is received.