Information on English, History and Turkish exams
Exam days and times for the English, Turkish and History courses covered in the Open CourseWare Portal are as follows:
11 April 2019
19:00: ING101, ING102, ING103, ING104, ING109, ING110, ENGL330
20:00: TURK100, TURK210, TURK101, TURK107 TURK102, TURK108, TURK171, TD101, TURK172
12 April 2019
19:00: ENGL121, ENG121, ENGL122, ENG122, EAP111, EAP112, EAP121, EAP122, EAP131, EAP132
20:00: HIST100, TAR122, HUK415, HIST152, HIST472, TARİH102, TARIH104, TARIH202, HIST151, HIST471, TARIH101, TARIH103, TARIH201
* Exam lists and exam rooms will be announced on the faculty announcement boards and on the Open CourseWare Portal a day before the exams.
* Since optical reader answer sheets will be used in these exams, students must use a pencil during the exam.