Announcement : McGraw Hill Publishing
Please be informed that McGraw Hill Publishing granted free access to all our students and faculty members regarding the e-copies of all books and other online support materials they have published so far. In order to benefit from this support, our academic staff needs to send information of the course, course instructor and number of students, to the relevant representative via the e-mail addresses below.
1. The course instructor will send her/his request to the representative of McGraw Hill via the our institutional e-mail address below.
2. The representative of McGraw Hill will e-mail the requested amount of account serial numbers to the relevant instructor.
3. The course instructor will then send these accounts and the link of the page opened for the course to her/his students via e-mail.
4. The student will be able to access the link with the account serial number which is free.
McGraw Hill Representative: Taline Prescott-Decie
Mobile/Whatsapp: +961 3 326 143
EUL Library