Academician of EUL Department of Anaesthesia Telli made some statements on the occasion of World Anaesthesia Day

Firts Anaesthesia Application was held on 16th October 1846
Academician of European University of Lefke Department of Anaesthesia Assist. Prof. Dr. Serkan Telli made some statements on the occasion of “World Anaesthesia Day” and draw attention to the importance of the profession.
It is the duty of the anaesthesia team to maintain the health and safety of the patient throughout the operation.
Telli described anaesthesia as the transient loss of consciousness and decrease in reflex activity without changes in vital functions and stated that “General anaesthesia application leads to loss of consciousness, prevents patient awareness during surgery, relieves pain, provides comfort during surgery, and facilitates surgical interventions by suppressing autonomic reflex activity and providing muscle relaxation”. Telli also stated that the purpose of general anaesthesia with these effects is to provide appropriate surgical conditions, but it is also the duty of the anaesthesia team to maintain the health and safety of the patient during the operation.
Stating that “Anaesthesia is performed by doctors who have trained in anaesthesia and expertise on medical education” Telli pointed out that anaesthesia technicians, who are trained to assist anaesthesiologists throughout the operation, are an important part of the anaesthesia team.
Tributes to the Anaesthesia Specialists and Technicians
Telli said that “The success of surgical treatment is possible with the multidisciplinary approach and the cooperation of anaesthesia and surgical teams in harmony and cooperation. Monitoring and supervising vital functions such as breathing and circulation and immediate emergency intervention are under the control of anaesthesia” and added that First anaesthesia practice in the world was performed by Dr. William Morton on October 16, 1846 in the United States, using ether and from then on 16th of October is celebrated as the World Anaesthesia Day all over the world. Telli further paid his tributes to the Anaesthesia Specialists and Technicians.