Political Science & Public Administration

Kamu Yönetimi

The programme of public administration degree is designed to educate and develop in the fields of public administration and in professions in local and central government. For this aim, the programme provides a broad based BA degree including not only public administration and related courses, but also courses on economics, law, business and public organizations.

The aim of the four year undergraduate programme in Political Science and Public Administration is to provide a fundamental understanding of the skills and techniques essential in fostering effectiveness in the administration of central and local governments plus efficiency in the management of public organizations, institutions and enterprises. During the first two years the students are offered basic knowledge and introductory courses as a preparation for the more specialized work to be undertaken in the last two years. The programme also prepares students to career options in the public sector and government bureaucracy. Occupations range from a variety of government services to administrative positions in public organizations and academic employment.



Asst. Prof. Dr. Nihal UMAR

Contact Details

Tel: +90 392 660 2000 – 2601

Fax: +90 392 660 2603

Postal Address: European University of Lefke

Lefke, Northern Cyprus TR-10 Mersin, Turkey

E-mail: feas@eul.edu.tr